Feb 25, 2023
Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe was born in Yerushalayim and raised in New York. Rabbi Wolbe has been active in Jewish outreach since 1996 across the globe, including the US, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Canada, and Israel. Rabbi Wolbe’s passion for Mussar started at a young age while developing a close relationship with his...
Feb 18, 2023
Yitzy Waldner is an elite and popular composer and producer of music. Now a household name in the Jewish music industry, Yitzy began his foray into the music scene as a member of the Amudei Shaish Choir. He did not study music formally, but after composing the hit song “Meheira” on Yaakov Shwekey’s debut album his...
Feb 11, 2023
In this weeks episode we sat down with R' Asaf Haimoff. R' Haimoff tragically lost his daughter Efrat to Cancer a couple of years ago. In this episode we discuss the journey of a father who found his strenght in the grief. Strenghth for his family, his community and for his daughter Efrat A"H.
Feb 4, 2023