Jan 6, 2024
The Airley’s made aliyah from the United States in 2006. Binyamin attended yeshiva, spent time in Eilat, and worked on the family’s farm, including most Shabbats.
Binyomin Airley joined the front lines of the battle VS Hamas to secure the land of Israel and protect the Jewish people. He unfortunately was killed in battle.
At his shloshim, a moving kumzitz led by Shlomo Katz began with people singing softly in their seats and evolved into heartfelt t’filah with people standing and swaying, arm in arm, many with tears in their eyes. Jennifer interrupted the singing in the middle of a song and commented that she noticed too many sad faces in the room. She explained that this was not meant to be an evening of crying. It was meant to be an evening to honor Binyamin and open our hearts using songs for t’filah.
She begged that people open the gates of Shamayim with t’filah b’simchah, even with the pain. Jennifer teaches by example how to keep going. She is leading the way and bringing her community along with her.
The Airley's Emunah and Bitachon has been on full display since Binyomin was suddenly killed in battle.
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